Sunday, September 2, 2012

Easy Ways To Get Unfollowed on Twitter

Twitter has blown up; enough said. People are tweeting about anything and everything, and it’s utter chaos out there in the twitter world. Twitter can be such a great tool if people use it the right way and think about what they are tweeting. But the harsh reality is that there are many people who don’t know how to use twitter properly and annoy their followers.

I want to focus on personal accounts for this post because I see these problems mostly with personal accounts rather than company accounts. As a side note, companies are not immune to bad tweeting; they can be just as bad as personal accounts sometimes. Below are some of the biggest and most annoying problems I have found with the twitter folk. If you are looking to get unfollowed by me, and I’m assuming others like me, please continue to do these things. However, if you’re looking to keep your followers and not annoy them, do everything in your power to avoid these twitter “no-no’s”

1. #HashTagAWholeSentenceToMakeAPointBecauseYouThinkItMakesYourTweetCool

That hashtag alone took 69 characters! You only have 140 to work with and you spent almost half of it with a hashtag. Not only does this make your tweet look silly, no one else is going to use that same exact hashtag ever again. The point of hashtags is to group tweets together by a common topic. Also, extremely long hashtags are hard to read. Some people who do this don’t even give you the common courtesy of capitalizing new words.

To go along with sentence hashtags, try to refrain from using hashtags that have no relevance to the tweet or ones that are just plain dumb (for lack of a better word). I know that I have done this a few times in the past, and it’s not the end of the world if you do too from time to time. Just try not to make it a habit.

2. Being the emotional tweeter.

It’s okay to express how you feel about certain topics on occasion, but DO NOT be the person whose every tweet is about how sad, angry, happy, depressed, loved, disgusted or any other kind of emotion you may feel. If every tweet is about how mad you are about this, or how excited you are about that, I will stop reading your tweets all together. Also, I will more than likely unfollow you so you’re not filling up my timeline with meaninglessness.

3. Retweeting multiple tweets from the some other account all at the same time.

This one irritates the you-know-what out of me. Not only does it make you seem like you cannot think of your own content, it fills your followers’ timelines with stuff they could potentially care less about. Don’t get me wrong, I love an inspirational tweet here and there. What I can’t stand is when someone will have seven, eight, nine inspirational retweets from another account in the same sitting. For example, I followed someone who retweeted another account 23 times in a matter of 45 minutes! This wasn’t a first time offense for said person, and needless to say I no longer follow them.

Be original! If you’re using twitter to inspire your followers or for personal use please be creative and come up with your own content.

4. Tweeting your every thought or action.

This is what many people have a problem with who are using twitter for recreational purposes. Unless the bowl of cereal you just poured had something horrible wrong or amazingly awesome inside of it, I’m not interested. If your bowl mysteriously contained a nugget of gold, well then yes, I’m interested because I will go out and purchase a box of that same cereal for myself in the small hope that I will find gold as well. If it’s anything less thrilling than that just keep it to yourself.

I also, and equally, don’t care if you are stuck in traffic, think the sky is a pretty shade of blue, went for a significantly long run or think you forgot to put on deodorant that particular and unfortunate morning. Basically, don’t tweet anything that doesn’t contain substantial content that your followers may be interested in. I have done this a few times myself (nobody’s perfect), but I do try to consciously think before I tweet. Also, I do understand that there are some accounts whose their sole reason for existence is to tweet stupid and funny stuff. I follow two or three of these accounts, and they do provide a good laugh. However, unless the whole purpose for your account is to emulate this, I don’t advise walking that path.

There you have it; my top four ways to get unfollowed by me. Like I mentioned above, if you find yourself doing some of these no-no’s on a few occasions that’s okay. The trick is to not make these annoyances a habit. If you avoid these your tweets will have more meaning, and won’t be over looked.



1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with this. Granted, I'm not really into tweeting, but I understand it has "blown up," as you said. But the reasons you listed are the very reasons I dislike Twitter; Because people are stupid.

    But I think there is another one that should be on here, and I do think I am guilty of it. Number five on your list, should be never tweeting, and never responding to tweets. I know I find it annoying that I'm following people who never say anything or never tweet back, so I can only imagine how many people get irritated by me not tweeting them back.
